A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Fahmy, Shahira
Fahmy, Shahira, American University in Cairo (Egypt)
Fahmy, Shahira S., The American University in Cairo
Fahmy, Shahira S., Department of Journalism and Mass Communication School of Global Affairs and Public Policy The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Falencik, Martha Isabel, University of Southern California
Falzone, Paul, Peripheral Vision International
Fan, Fei, BNU-HKBU United International College
Fan, Jun, Huaqio University, China; Huachiew Chalermprakiet University, Thailand
Fan, Qinjun, Formerly a graduate student in the Department of Communication & Journalism at the University of New Mexico.
Fan, Wenjun, Wuhan Institute of Technology
Fang, Hui, Jinan University
Farber, David J.
Farber, Debby, Ben Gurion University
Farhall, Kate, RMIT University
Farinosi, Manuela, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics, University of Udine
Faris, Jiyan, University of Antwerp
Faris, Jiyan, University of Antwerp Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Faris, Robert, Berkman Center for Internet & Society Harvard University
Faris, Robert, Harvard University
Farman, Lisa, Ithaca College
Farné, Alessandra, University Jaume I
Farr, Brittany, University of Southern California
Farrall, Kenneth Neil
Farré, Jordi, Department of Communication Studies, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Fast, Victoria, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fattal, Alexander L., Pennsylvania State University
Faulhaber, Gerald R.
Faulhaber, Gerald R., Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Penn Law School
Faulhaber, Gerald R., Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Faure, Antoine, Associate professor Universidad de Santiago de Chile Centro de Estudios de la Comunicación Pública Escuela de Periodismo
Fawzi, Nayla, LMU Munich
Fechner, Denise J., University of Bremen, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI)
Feder, Lillian B., Marquette University, Wisconsin, USA
Feenberg, Andrew, Simon Fraser University
Feenstra, Ramón A., Jaume I University, Spain
Feezell, Jessica Timpany
Feher, Katalin, Associate Professor, Ludovika University of Public Service; Visiting Professor, Concordia University, Canada
Feigenbaum, Anna, Bournemouth University
Feijoo, Beatriz, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
Felaco, Cristiano, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
Feldman, Jessica, Stanford University
Feldman, Lauren
Feldman, Lauren, Rutgers University School of Communication and Information
Feldmar, Shawna Kidman
Feng, Debing, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Feng, Debing, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, China
Feng, Guangchao Charles, Shenzhen University
Feng, Mengzhe, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Feng, Yuyan, Teachers College, Columbia University
Fennell, Vera Leigh, Lehigh University
Fenner, Angelica, University of Toronto
Fenoll, Vicente, Department of the Theory of Languages and Communication Sciences, University of Valencia
Fenster, Mark
Fenster, Mark, University of Florida (United States)
Fenton, Natalie, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Fenton, Natalie, Goldsmiths, University of London
Fernacz, Nicholas P., University of Southern California
Fernandez, Itxaso, University of the Basque Country
Fernández Alonso, Isabel, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Fernandez-Astobiza, Itxaso, University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU
Ferras, Carlos, PhD, University of Santiago de Compostela
Ferré-Pavia, Carme, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Ferre-Pavia, Carme, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Ferreira, Ricardo Ribeiro, University of Edinburgh
Ferreira Seridório, Daniele, Unesp - São Paulo State University TU Dortmund University
Ferron, Michela
Ferrucci, Patrick, University of Colorado-Boulder
Ferrucci, Patrick, University of Colorado Boulder
Festic, Noemi, University of Zurich
Fetterman, Jessica L., Boston University School of Medicine
Fialkoff, Yonatan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Fichman, Pnina, Rob Kling Center of Social Informatics, School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering Indiana University Bloomington
Fichman, Pnina, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Fiedler, Anke, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
Fielding, Victoria, The University of Adelaide
Fiers, Floor, Department of Communication Studies at Northwestern University
Fiers, Floor, Northwestern University
Fifield, Jessica
Figenschou, Tine Ustad
Figenschou, Tine Ustad, University of Oslo
Figueroa-Caballero, Andrea, University of Missouri
Filibeli, Tirşe Erbaysal, Bahcesehir University
Filipov, Milen, assistant professor, PhD, KIMEP University
Fink, Edward L., Temple University
Fink, Katherine
Fiore-Gartland, Brittany, University of Washington
Fiore-Silfvast, Brittany
Firdaus, Amira, University of Malaya
First, Anat, Netanya Academic College, School of Comunication
Fischer, Katrin, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California
Fish, Adam, Lancaster University
Fish, Emma
Fisher, Caroline, News and Media Research Centre, University of Canberra
Fisher, Caroline, Canberra University
Fitzgerald, Kaitlin, KU Leuven, Belgium
Fitzpatrick, Kathleen
Fitzpatrick, Kathleen, (I would prefer to avoid listing an affiliation if possible. If it's not possible, please list as "New York University.")
Fladmoe, Audun, Institute of Social Research
Fleerackers, Alice, Simon Fraser University
Fleming, Dan
Flensburg, Sofie, University of Copenhagen
Fletcher, Frederick Brady, University of Rochester
Fletcher, Richard, University of Oxford
Flew, Terry, Queensland University of Technology
Flew, Terry
Flores, Carlos, California State University, Sacramento
Flyverbom, Mikkel, Copenhagen Business School
Folan O'Connor, Elizabeth, University College Cork
Foley, Jordan, Washington State University
Foley, Jordan, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Foley, Jordan, Murrow College of Communication, Washington State University
Folkestad, James, Colorado State University
Follis, Luca, Lancaster University
Foot, Kirsten, University of Washington
Ford, Heather, Oxford Internet Institute
Ford, Heather, University of Leeds
Forde, Susan
Forde, Sydney, The Pennsylvania State University
Fordyce, Robbie, Monash University
Forelle, MC, Cornell Tech
Forelle, MC, Cornell University Cornell Tech
Forelle, Michelle C, University of Southern California
Forelle, Michelle C., University of Southern California
Forlano, Laura, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Fornäs, Johan, Södertörn University
Forsler, Ingrid, Södertörn University, Stockholm
Fortunati, Leopoldina, Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics, University of Udine
Fortunati, Leopoldina, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics, University of Udine
Foucault Welles, Brooke, Northeastern University
Fox, Colm A., Singapore Management University
Fox, Jean-Paul, University of Twente
Foxman, Maxwell, University of Oregon
Foyle, Kali, University of Texas at Austin
Fraizond, Manor, The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College
Frampton, Anthony
Francisco, Tim
Frank, Lauren B.
Frank, Lauren B., Portland State University
Frank, Lauren B., Department of Communication, Portland State University
Franklyn, Amanda E., University of Oklahoma
Franquet, Rosa, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Fraser, Emily M., University of Windsor
Fredriksson, Martin, Assistant Professor, Department for Studies of Social Change and Culture, Norrköping, Sweden
Freedman, Des, Golds University
Freelon, Deen, American University
Freelon, Deen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Freeman, Bradley C., American University in Dubai
Freeman, Guo, Indiana University
Freeman, Matthew, University of Nottingham
Freiling, Isabelle, University of Utah
Freud, David, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Freundt-Thurne, Ursula, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Frey, Felix, University of Leipzig
Frey, Lawrence R., University of Colorado Boulder
Frey, Seth, Assistant Professor; University of California, Davis
Freyburg, Tina, University St. Gallen
Fridkin, Kim, Arizona State University
Frieden, Rob
Friedman, Elie, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Friedman, Elie, Ashkelon Academic College
Friedrich, Katja, Institute of Communication Science and Media Research, LMU Munich, Germany
Friemel, Thomas N., University of Zurich
Friemel, Thomas N., University of Bremen
Friemel, Thomas N., University of Zurich, Department of Communication and Media Research (Switzerland)
Friemel, Thomas N., University of Zurich
Friesem, Elizaveta, Central Connecticut State University
Frischlich, Lena, Department of Communication, University of Münster
Fritz, Niki, Indiana University- Bloomington
Frizzo-Barker, Julie, Simon Fraser University
Fröhlich, Romy, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU)
Frosh, Paul, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Frutos, Francisco J., University of Salamanca Faculty of Social Sciences. Dpt. of Sociology and Communication. Campus Unamuno (Edificio FES). 37007 Salamanca (Spain)
Fu, Gina Junhan, National University of Singapore
Fu, Han, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The School of Journalism and Communication
Fu, Jiawei Sophia, Rutgers University
Fu, Jiawei Sophia, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University
Fu, Jiawei Sophia, Rutgers University
Fu, King-wa, University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Fu, Rongrong, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Fuchs, Christian, University of Westminster
Fuchs, Christian
Fuchs, Christian, University of Westminster (United Kingdom)
Füchslin, Tobias, Mediapulse AG
Fullenwieder, Lara, Deakin University
Fuller, P. Brooks, Elon University
Fullerton, Lindsay
Fulton, Bruce, University of British Columbia
Fulton, Janet, News and Media Research Centre, University of Canberra
Fung, Anthony, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Fung, Carman K. M., Simon Fraser University, Canada
Funk, Michelle, Pennsylvania State University
Fuqua, Joy V.
Furman, Ivo, Istanbul Bilgi University
Furman, Ivo, Department of Media Faculty of Media and Communication Istanbul Bilgi University
Fürst, Silke, University of Zurich, IKMZ—Department of Communication and Media Research, Research Assistant
Fürst, Silke, University of Fribourg Department of Communication and Media Research DCM Boulevard de Pérolles 90 1700 Fribourg Switzerland
1 - 197 of 197 Items
ISSN: 1932-8036