A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Kim, Soojin, University of Technology Sydney
Kim, Soojin, Louisiana State University (United States)
Kim, Soojong, University of California Davis
Kim, Sora
Kim, Su Jung
Kim, Su Jung, Iowa State University (United States)
Kim, Su Jung, University of Southern California
Kim, Sungsu, Kookmin University
Kim, Tae Young, Simon Fraser University
Kim, Taegyun, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Kim, Taeyoung, Simon Fraser University
Kim, Taeyoung, Loughborough University (United Kingdom)
Kim, Wonkyung, BNU-HKBU United International College, China
Kim, Wonsun
Kim, Yeojin, Central Connecticut State University
Kim, Yeran
Kim, Yesolran, Department of Advertising and Public Relations, Kookmin University
Kim, Yong-Chan, Yonsei University
Kim, Yonghwan, University of Alabama
Kim, Yoojung, Konkuk University
Kim, Youngju, University of Alabama
Kim, Youngju, Konkuk University (Korea, Republic of)
Kim, Youngrim, University of Michigan
Kim, Yung Soo, University of Kentucky, School of Journalism and Telecommunications
Kim, Yung Soo, School of Journalism and Media University of Kentucky
Kim, Yungwook, School of Communication & Media, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea
Kim, Yunhwan, College of General Education, Kookmin University
Kimball, Danny, Goucher College
King, Andy J., Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication Iowa State University
King, Barry, Auckland University of Technology
King, Barry John, Auckland University of Technology
King, Gretchen, University of Ottawa
King, Gretchen, Lebanese American University, Beirut (Lebanon)
King, Jesse, University of California, Santa Barbara
King III, Granville
Kini, Saesha, MICA Ahmedabad
Kininmonth, Samuel, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University
Kinn, Mira, International Studies on Media, Power, and Difference, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Kinn, Mira, Independent researcher
Kinnebrock, Susanne, University of Augsburg
Kinnebrock, Susanne, University of Augsburg, Germany
Kiousis, Spiro, University of Florida
Kipkoech, Gilbert, University of Delaware
Kirby, Jay, North Carolina State University
Kiriya, Ilya
Kiriya, Ilya, National Research University Higher School of Economics - Media Communications, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, 20 , Moscow 101000, Russian Federation
Kirkpatrick, Bill, Denison University
Kirschner, Heiko, University of Vienna
Kittler, Juraj, St. Lawrence University
Kjus, Yngvar
Klar, Samara, University of Arizona
Klausen, Julia Zhukova, Aalborg University
Klawitter, Erin
Kleeman, Michael
Kleemans, Mariska, Radboud University Nijmegen
Klein, Adam, Pace University Communication Studies Department
Klein, Adam, Pace University Communication & Media Studies Department
Klein, Amanda Ann, East Carolina University
Klein, Leslie, University of Georgia
Klein, Susanne, University of Fribourg
Klein Shagrir, Oranit, Hadassah Academic College; Open University of Israel
Klein-Avraham, Inbal, The Department of Communication Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Eilat Campus, Israel.
Kleinberg, Mona S., Queens College, CUNY
Kleinman, Steven B., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Kleut, Jelena, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy
Kligler-Vilenchik, Neta, University of Southern California
Kligler-Vilenchik, Neta, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Kligler-Vilenchik, Neta, Hebrew University
Kligler-Vilenchik, Neta, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Klikauer, Thomas, Western Sydney University, Australia
Klimkiewicz, Beata
Klimmt, Christoph, Hanover University of Music, Theater and Media, Germany
Kling, Julia, PhD Candidate at the Chair of Political Communication with a Focus on Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet Region, University of Passau, Germany Researcher at the ERC Consolidator Project on ‘The Consequences of the Internet for Russia’s Informational In
Klinger, Ulrike
Klinger, Ulrike, IPMZ Institute fo Mass Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich
Kloss, Andrea, University of Leipzig
Kluknavská, Alena, Department of Media Studies and Journalism Faculty of Social Studies Masaryk University
Klyueva, Anna, University of Houston - Clear Lake Department of Communication and Digital Media Studies
Klyukanov, Igor E., Professor of Communication Department of Communication Studies Eastern Washington University Cheney, WA 99004-2431 Tel: (509)359-2863 Fax: (509)359-2496 E-mail: [email protected]
Kmetty, Zoltán, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Social Sciences & Centre for Social Sciences
Kneese, Tamara, Intel
Kneidinger-Müller, Bernadette, University of Bamberg
Knobloch, Katherine, Colorado State University
Knobloch-Westerwick, Silvia, Technische Universität Berlin
Knoll, Johannes, University of Vienna
Knoll, Johannes
Knop-Huelss, Katharina, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
Knop-Hülß, Katharina, Hanover University of Music, Theater and Media, Germany
Knops, Louise, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Knox, Emily J.M., School of Information Sciences University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Knüpfer, Curd Benjamin, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Ko, Allan, MIT CMS/W
Ko, Rosa S., The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
Kocer, Suncem, Kadir Has University
Koch, Thomas, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Kodish, Slavica, Southeast Missouri State University
Koehler, Christina, University of Mainz
Koh, Melody Tingyi, Nanyang Technological University
Kohn, Tamara, University of Melbourne
Kohring, Matthias
Koivunen, Anu, Stockholm University, Sweden
Kolamo, Sami, University of Tampere
Koliska, Michael, Philip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland
Koliska, Michael, University of Maryland
Koliska, Michael, Georgetown University
Kollanyi, Bence, Corvinus University of Budapest
Kollias, Andreas, Panteion University of Social and Political Science, Athens, Greece
Kollyri, Lydia, Cyprus University of Technology
Koltcov, Sergey, National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Koltsova, Olessia, National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Kong, Vanessa, Simon Fraser University Communication University of China, China
Konieczna, Magda, Temple University
Konijn, Elly A., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Kononova, Anastasia, Michigan State University
Kononova, Anastasia, Assistant Professor Department of Advertising + Public Relations Michigan State University 404 Wilson Rd., Room 319 East Lansing, MI 48824 517-432-5129 [email protected]
Kononova, Anastasia, Department of Advertising + Public Relations, College of Communication Arts & Sciences, Michigan State University
Koo, Gyo Hyun, University of Texas at Austin
Koo, Gyo Hyun, The University of Texas at Austin
Koo, JiHae, Kookmin University
Kooli, Arwa, University of la Manouba
Koppers, Lars, Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany
Kosciesza, Aiden, Temple University
Kosciesza, Aiden James, Temple University
Kosciesza, Aiden James, Central Michigan University
Kosenko, Kami, Communication, North Carolina State University
Kostadinov, Yavor A., Ming Chuan University
Kosterich, Allie, Pace University
Kosterich, Allie, Fordham University
Kotilainen, Noora, University of Helsinki
Koukou, Asimina, University of Vienna
Kountouri, Fani, Panteion University of Social and Political Science, Athens, GReece
Koury, Stephanie
Kozinets, Robert, University of Southern California
Kozman, Claudia, Lebanese American University
Kozman, Claudia, Assistant Professor in Residence Journalism and Strategic Communication Program Northwestern University in Qatar
Krahmer, Emiel, Tilburg University
Kraidy, Marwan M.
Kraidy, Marwan
Kraidy, Marwan M., University of Pennsylvania
Kraidy, Marwan M., Annenberg School for Communication University of Pennsylvania
Kraidy, Marwan M., Annenberg/ University of Pennsylvania
Kraidy, Marwan, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Krajina, Zlatan, University of Zagreb
Krajina, Zlatan
Krakowiak, K. Maja, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Krämer, Benjamin
Krämer, Benjamin, LMU Munich
Krämer, Tanja, DB Mobility Logistics AG Frankfurt
Krause, Amber, Texas Tech University
Kravets, Daria, University of Passau
Kreiss, Daniel
Kreiss, Daniel, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (United States)
Kreiss, Daniel, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Kreiss, Daniel, School of Media and Journalism, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kreiss, Daniel, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (United States)
Kretz, Valerie Ellen, St. Norbert College
Krikorian, Marina R., Project Coordinator Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Krishna, Arunima, Boston University
Kristiansen, Silje, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Kroll, Christian, University of Helsinki
Krona, Michael, Malmö University, Sweden
Kronschnabl, Hannah, University of Vienna
Kroon, Anne C., University of Amsterdam
Krotzek, Lennart J., Graduate School of Communication Amsterdam (graduated)
Kruckeberg, Dean, University of North Carolina at Charlotte USA
Krueger, Patrick M., University of Colorado Denver
Krup, Nathalie
Kruschinski, Simon, Department of Communication, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany
Ku, Kelly Y. L., Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ku, Yunhee, Korea University
Ku, Yunhee, Hallym University
Kuang, Kai, Tsinghua University
Kuang, Xianwen, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Kubin, Emily, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kuch, Lorraine, Michigan State University
Kuebler, Johanne
Kuehn, Kathleen Mary
Kuehn, Kathleen M., Victoria University of Wellington
Kuerbis, Brenden N.
Kugumikiriza, Ruth, Research Associate Peripheral Vision International, Uganda
Kühne, Rinaldo, University of Amsterdam Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR)
Kuhnhenn, Martha, University of Greifswald
Kuldas, Seffetullah, National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre, Dublin City University
Kuldas, Seffetullah, University of Oslo (Norway)
Kuldas, Seffetullah, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo
Kumar, Anup, Cleveland State University
Kumar, Deepa, Rutgers University
Kumar, Priya C., Assistant Professor, Penn State University
Kumar, Sangeet, Denison University
Kumar, Sangeet, Denison University, Ohio, USA
Kumble, Sushma, Towson University
Kunelius, Risto
Kunelius, Risto, University of Tampere
Kunst, Marlene, Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, Germany
Kunst, Marlene, Freie Universität Berlin/ Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society
Kuo, Liangwen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Kuppens, An, Independent researcher
Kurniawan, Eri, Indonesia University of Education
Kuru, Ozan, National University of Singapore
Kushin, Matthew J., Department of Communication, Shepherd University
Kuznetsov, Dmitry, School of Journalism & Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Kuznetsova, Elizaveta, Weizenbaum Institute
Kwak, Nojin, University of Michigan
Kwak, Nojin, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Kwitonda, Jean Claude, Howard University
Kwon, Hyeok Yong, Korea University
Kwon, Jungmin
Kwon, Jungmin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kwon, Jungmin, University of Portland (United States)
Kwon, Jungmin, Assistant Professor in the School of Film, Portland State University
Kwon, Jungmin, Associate Professor in the School of Film, Portland State University
Kwon, K. Hazel, Arizona State University
Kwon, K. Hazel, Arizona State University - Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
Kwon, Yeji, Yonsei University
Kwong, Jillian, University of Southern California
Kyriakidou, Maria, University of East Anglia
Kyriakidou, Maria, UEA
Kyriakidou, Maria, Cardiff
Kyriakidou, Maria, School of Journalism, Media, and Culture at Cardiff University
La France, Betty H., Northern Illinois University
Labato, Laura, University of Connecticut, Department of Communication
Labio, Aurora, Universidad de Sevilla
Lacey, Cherie, Victoria University of Wellington
Lacey, Kate
Lachover, Einat, Sapir Academic College
Laffan, Derek A., Dublin City University
Lagerkvist, Johan
Lagos, Claudia, University of Chile
Lagos, Claudia, Universidad de Chile (i.e. University of Chile)
Lagos Lira, Claudia, Universidad de Chile University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Lagos Lira, Claudia, Associate professor Universidad de Chile Facultas de Comunicación e Imagen
Lagoze, Carl, University of Michigan School of Information
Lai, Chih-Hui, Nanyang Technological University
Lai, Chih-Hui, National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan, Province of China)
Lai, Chih-Hui, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Lai, Huihuang, [email protected]
Lai, Signe Sophus, University of Copenhagen
Lai, Xiaoyu, Guangdong University of Technology
Lakatos, Zoltán
Lakew, Yuliya, Örebro University
Lalwani, Sheila B., The University of Texas at Austin
Lam, Wan Shun Eva, Northwestern University
LaMarre, Heather
Lambe, Jennifer L., University of Delaware
Lamberson, PJ, Assistant Professor; University of California, Los Angeles
Lambert, Iris, Centre de Recherches Internationales (CERI) at Sciences Po Paris and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris, France.
Lambert, Natalie J., Purdue University
Lamberti, Guiseppe, Unviversitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Lammers, John C., University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Lamour, Christian, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
Lamour, Christian, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research
Lamour, Christian, Researcher in Urban, Cultural, and Border Studies Luxembourg Institute of SocioEconomic Research (LISER)
Lampinen, Airi, Mobile Life Centre, Stockholm University
Lampinen, Airi, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) Stockholm University
Lamuedra Graván, María, Departamento de Periodismo I Facultad de Comunicación Universidad de Sevilla
Lancaster, Kurt
Landreville, Kristen D., University of Wyoming
Lane, Anne B., Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Lane, Anne B., Queensland University of Technology
Lane, Daniel, PhD Student, Department of Communication Studies, University of Michigan
Lane, Daniel S., University of California, Santa Barbara
Lane, Jeffrey, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Lane, Jeffrey, Rutgers University New Brunswick, USA School of Communication & Information
Lang, Gladys Engel
Lang, Jessica, London School of Economics and Political Science
Lang, Kurt
Langbort, Cedric, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Langmann, Klara, University of Münster
Langrock, Isabelle, University of Pennsylvania
Langton, Katrin, Queensland University of Technology
Lånkan, Kjersti Blehr, Oslo Metropolitan University
Lannon, Bob, Sunlight Foundation
Lanuza, Jose Mari Hall, University of the Philippines Manila University of Massachusetts Amherst
Lanz, Paulina, USC Annenberg
Lao, Mary Grace, York University
Lapa, Tiago, ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute
Lapan, Pam, Monroe Center for Healthy Aging
Lapsansky, Charlotte
Lark, Daniel, University of Southern California, School of Cinematic Arts Division of Cinema and Media Studies
LaRose, Robert
Larroa, Argelia Muñoz
Larrosa-Fuentes, Juan S., University of Guadalajara
Larsen, Rebekah, Oslo Metropolitan University
Larsson, Anders Olof, Kristiania University College
Lasanta-Palacios, María, Public University of Navarra
Lash, Brittany N., University of Dayton
Lashey, Mark C., La Salle University
Lashley, Mark C., La Salle University
Lashley, Mark C., La Salle University USA
Lashley, Mark C., La Salle University, USA
Latour, Bruno
Latzer, Michael, Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ - Institute of Mass Communication and Media, University of Zurich
Latzer, Michael, University of Zurich
Lau, Zhi Xin, Nanyang Technological University
Lauby, Fanny, William Paterson University
Laughlin, Corrina, Loyola Marymount University
Lauk, Epp, University of Jyväskylä
Lauricella, Alexis R, Northwestern University
Lauteria, Evan W., UC-Davis
Lavaccare, John, Independent Researcher
Laverty, Alex
Lavie, Noa, Tel Aviv-Yafo Academic College
Lawlor, Andrea, King's University College, Western University
Lazar, Tamar, University of Haifa, Israel Department of Communication
Leach, Carrie, Wayne State University
Leandros, Nikos
Leavey, Sean T., Northeastern University
Leavey, Sean T., Department of Communication Studies, City University of New York, Baruch College
Leber, Andrew, Government Harvard University
Lecheler, Sophie, Amsterdam School of Communication Research, ASCoR University of Amsterdam
Lee, Bong Gyou, Yonsei University
Lee, Chin-Chuan
Lee, Chin-Chuan, City University of Hong Kong
Lee, Claire Shinhea, University of Texas at Austin
Lee, Danielle Ka Lai, Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, Washington State University
Lee, Doohwang, Kyung Hee University
Lee, Eun-Ju, Seoul National University, South Korea
Lee, Francis L. F.
Lee, Francis L.F., Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lee, Francis L. F., Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lee, Francis L. F., Chinese University of Hong Kong (China)
Lee, Francis L. F., Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Lee, Francis L. F., Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lee, Francis L. F., The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lee, Francis L.F., The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lee, H. Erin, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Lee, Han Soo, Baird college, Soongsil University
Lee, Heejin, Professor, Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS), Seoul
Lee, Hoon, Kyung Hee University
Lee, Hsiao-Ching, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences
Lee, Hun-Yul, Korea University
Lee, Hye-Jin
Lee, Hyung Min, Sungshin Women's University, South Korea
Lee, Hyunwoo, Korea Creative Contents Agency
Lee, Jae Mook, Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University
Lee, Jaesub, School of Communication University of Houston
Lee, Jaesub, University of Houston
Lee, James, University of Southern California
Lee, James Chong Boi, Nanyang Technological University
Lee, Jee Young, University of Canberra
Lee, Jeehyun, M.A. Student Korea University
Lee, Jeehyun Jenny, University of Washington
Lee, Jin, University Associate Faculty of Humanities School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry Curtin University
Lee, Jiyoung, Assistant professor in the Department of Media and Communication at Sungkyunkwan University
Lee, Joomi, University of Georgia
Lee, Jooyeon, Macau University of Science and Technology
Lee, Joseph Tse-Hei
Lee, Joseph Tse-Hei
Lee, Jounghee, Kunsan National University
Lee, Kellyn, Singapore Management University
Lee, Kyung Sun, University of Texas at Austin
Lee, Kyung Sun, American University in the Emirates College of Media and Mass Communication Dubai International Academic City Dubai, UAE
Lee, Micky
Lee, Micky, Suffolk University (United States)
Lee, Na Yeon, Sungshin Women's University
Lee, Nam-Jin
Lee, Rachel Kar Yee, Korea University
Lee, Ronan, International State Crime Initiative, Queen Mary University of London
Lee, Sang-Gil, Professor Yonsei University Korea
Lee, Sangjoon, Lingnan University
Lee, Sangwon, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lee, Seok Ho, The University of Texas at Austin
Lee, Seonok, University of Groningen
Lee, Seul-Hi, Department of Culture Content at Yong In University in South Korea
Lee, Seungsu, City University of Hong Kong
Lee, Seungyoon, Purdue University
Lee, Shin Haeng, Sejong University
Lee, Slgi S., University of Michigan
Lee, Suman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Lee, Sun Kyong (Sunny), The University of Oklahoma
Lee, Sungchul, Sun Moon University
Lee, Tae Kyoung, Department of Communication, University of Utah
Lee, Wonjae, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea
Lee, Yena, Media, Technology, and Society program at Northwestern School of Communication
Lee, Yeunjae, University of Miami
Lee, Yongsuk, Seoul Broadcasting System
Lee, Yongsuk, Korea University
Lee, Yoon-Joo
Lefevre-Gonzalez, Christina
Legara, Erika Fille T., Institute of High Performance Computing, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore
Lehmuskallio, Asko, New Social Research Information Technology and Communication Tampere University
Lehr, William H.
Lehtiniemi, Tuukka, University of Helsinki
Lei, Hong, Xi’an International Studies University
Lei, Ya-Wen, Harvard University
Leiserowitz, Anthony, Yale University
Leissner, Laura, University of Erfurt
Leissner, Laura, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
Leistert, Oliver
Leite, Ligia C., Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Lelkes, Ypthach, University of Pennsylvania
Lemish, Dafna, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey
Lemish, Dafna, Rutgers University
Lemish, Dafna, Interim Dean Distinguished Professor of Journalism and Media StudiesRutgers the State University of New Jersey,
Lemke, Jeslyn, Pacific University
Lemke, Jeslyn, University of Oregon
Lemos, Adriana Guerra Abreu, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Lengel, Lara
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