We the Consumers: The Conservative “Parallel Economy” as Reactionary Commodity Activism
Brands in the United States capitalize on the visibility of marginalized groups and progressive social movements. Many right-wing groups consider this a threat to their lifestyles, values, and power. In response, they promote a “parallel economy” where conservative businesses and consumers can transact amongst themselves within a promotional milieu that rejects “woke” corporate branding and reasserts the hegemony of “traditional” values. Through a critical analysis of PublicSquare, an online marketplace that brands itself as “pro-life, pro-family, pro-freedom,” we illustrate how this “parallel economy” provides a platform for reactionary commodity activism. PublicSquare’s branding casts consumerism as both a strategic political activity and an exercise of normative American values by ordinary consumer-citizens, not activists. PublicSquare positions its platform as a weapon for restoring normalcy and defending against woke capitalism’s politicization of markets and consumer culture.